The Losses We Carry
Currently, I'm experiencing a lot of grief. Can you see it in my face? My daughter's biological Dad is in hospice. Grief, unexpressed is bad for us. The complicated grief I feel for myself and what she's going through is a doozy. It's all heavy. I'm resting in between all of the daily responsibilities I face. And Benson helps. When we experience any loss, big or small, we grieve. Any amount of loss and any type of loss creates grief inside of us. Mostly when we think of grief, we think of the loss of a loved one. Yet there are a million seemingly insignificant losses that we all carry on a daily basis, and those are the ones I'd like to create a space for. Each week, on Monday, since Mondays tend to be a day we dred anyway, I'll be writing about the losses I experience from week to week or a particular loss I am currently experiencing. This can be a space for anyone who doesn't get to share their losses or feels isolated in them. Which is most of us. I t...