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Life Is Here

Entering into an unexpected season of grief, and not just from the election results. My daughter's biological dad has entered hospice after fighting terminal cancer for over three years. Our first snowfall seems timely. Snow is somehow loud and quiet at the same time, a lot like life. Hi friends, the Contemplating Beauty blog is back. I've learned so much about myself since I've been away from this space. A lot of my content here will be about my absence from writing and all the things I've been learning, working on, and the healing that has taken place. Hopefully, this space will be a place of encouragement & inspiration to you. I have found that because of all the life changes and personal work I've done for the last four years specifically,  that created some sort of self-expression block. Especially with writing. So much worrying about who is reading, what they think of what they read, am I saying something that will hurt someone, and on and on. It never end...

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