Beauty In The Barren Places

Everywhere I turn lately, there is barrenness. I don't know what's with this year, but for myself and those close to me, it's been a heckava year. So much turmoil, confusion, pain, even separation. Too many tears, so much resentment, and a lot of hurt. It's like a big dose of an "unhappy" pill, and it just keeps being distributed. It's honestly quite unbelievable, that if I shared each and every one of the stories or situations, you would not believe me. It's that crazy and hard.

I've always believed there is beauty out of ashes. In the broken places we shall find wholeness and goodness. I've had plenty of brokenness, and have found redeeming value and freedom in most all of them throughout the years. Not because it just happened or came, but because I was active in my own life and turmoil to not just sit in brokenness but to find some glue, to find some tape, so I could fix some of it. With a little glue and a little tape, maybe, just maybe, we can start to be put back together again. But remembering that we will always need tending to.

My daughter finding beauty in the barrenness of her life.

Beauty In The Barren Places

In the moved that wasn't wanted, find it there, in that barren place,
something to be sought, something new, something beautiful.

In the signing of divorce papers, find it there, in that barren place,
grace for both, courage to start anew, something beautiful.

In the findings of betrayal, find it there, in that barren place,
a God to cling to, surprising peace in loneliness, an unknown strength, something beautiful.

In being told of the lay-off, find it there, in that barren place, 
gentleness for self, joy for some time off, something beautiful.

In the struggle of chronic illness, find it there, in that barren place,
contentment of limitations, living in the now, something beautiful.

In the empty nest, find it there, in that barren place,
a chance for discovery of self, the process of renaming, something beautiful.

In the unplanned way of life, find it there, in that barren place,
patience for new beginnings, perseverance in the unknown, something beautiful.

In the news of infertility, find it there, in that barren place,
exploring unique options, accepting new normals, unswerving faith, something beautiful.

In the great loss of a loved one, find it there, in that barren place,
honor their life through memories, learning to let go, something beautiful.

In living in an unfamiliar town, find it there, in that barren place,
excitement of new friends, adventures of new landscape, something beautiful.

In the financial ruin, find it there, in that barren place,
trusting in the unseen, learning to have less, something beautiful.

In the divided country, find it there, in that barren place,
God is sovereign over all, empathetic eyes, something beautiful.

In that barren place, something beautiful, is bound, bound to take shape. 
Every empty place ends up being filled, every broken place, can emerge,
every set of eyes, every open heart, helps it all not fall apart. 


  1. Gina, this is beautiful and I can relate to so many of the scenarios. Thank you for sharing your beautiful heart.

  2. just want to give you great big hug right now!

  3. I read all your post, I may have commented in the past, I'm not sure. But I want you to know how much your words touch my aching heart. I know those barren places. I often think the same thing, if I even attempted to tell my story it sounds "made up". I too am trusting that there will be beauty out of ashes and in the meantime I simply trust. I don't know you but you mean a lot to me and I always feel "understood" and "encouraged" when I read your post. I'll be holding you in my prayers Gina. ~Dawne


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