My Face Is Changing

Making Peace with a New Face

What does your face show? As I look at photos of myself recently, I do see aging. And not in a negative way. After almost 40 years, I am starting to see a woman who is coming together, and standing in a lot of victory. But still has a long way to go.

As I am looking into how I am going to say goodbye to my only child in August (as she leaves for college), it's evident to me that it will be another milestone that I confidently will find victory in. I doubt myself-that I can't live without her. Hey, you try getting a kid at 19 or 20, you'll see the bond is so deep there aren't words to describe it. I've built my adult life around this child, around motherhood. The last 20 years.

But back to being victorious as a woman. What have you found victory in? I know as years to come I inevitably will age even more, and faster. And I will then, with God at my side, see more victory. Our faces hold so much--sadness, joy, pain, distress, confusion, happiness, laughter, despair, excitement, fright, relief, and so much more. My face has experienced all of those and a million others.

There is satisfaction in seeing how I'm aging in the last year or two. I look at a girl, who has been so broken and down and out for many many years, and who has faced so much hardship and difficulty. But then I  found my prince, and then was broken again for years. I see triumph in the trials I've faced, persevering through an illness that has fought to keep me down for years. I've had happiness, joy and severe pain. I'm constantly moving to my hearts beat. Always wanting to dig deeper, find the meaning, and grow in wisdom. I put my all in everything I do, and in all my relationships because I know that that is where life is found and where we feel complete and connected. Only to be burned. But who hasn't? We have all lost, loved, and started over. I feel like I'll be starting over in less than 4 months.

I am happy and feel peace that as I go forth with this new life waiting for me in the next 6 months, that I can confidently post of photo of myself on FB, or on my blog-- and my daughter will know that I think I am beautiful. And you're beautiful. That I stand in victory over much and more to come. To tell your child that you are finally to a place where you have self acceptance is probably your greatest gift to her. 

What victories does your face show? Are you seeing aging, but embracing it? Can you tell your son or daughter that you think you are beautiful and that you accept yourself? Flaws, perfect imperfections and all? 



  1. This is beautiful, Gina! so true in so many ways. And you look gorgeous!

    Emily Rose

  2. It matters not that we all find you strikingly beautiful. It matters most that you find yourself in a place of beauty! peace & love, sister.

  3. I love that your embracing where you're at in life. I see myself aging too and I have to remind myself "Beauty if fleeting..but a woman who fears the Lord she shall be praised!" -Proverbs 31:30

    Have a blessed week, girl!

  4. You *are* beautiful Gina, inside and out! Happy for your victories, though they do often come after years and seasons of pain and struggle.

  5. inside and out your are beautiful Gina! Your daughter is truly blessed to call you mother.

  6. Gina you are so beautiful! I hope that my face ages as gracefully as yours. *^__^*

  7. beautiful, beautiful. inside and out, through and through. having peace with yourself is one of the greatest gifts you can give to the world. xxoo

  8. love the blog. just found ya through a friend.


  9. So beautiful you are and such a wonderful and truthful post!! Thanks for always sharing your sweet heart!! Wishing you a blessed and beautiful week! xo Heather

  10. Some very deep truths here, Gina. Spiritual roots know no distance. They run 'to the core' and hold each other up from below the seen world. Time and space seem to have an illusory power demanding immediate fear (False Evidence Appearing Real), but alas, the well of your eyes hold all truths sacred. We people see her, they see you, even if they don't see you. See what I mean? Such a huge heart...

  11. This is so great Gina! I am such a big advocate of embracing yourself, no matter what age, no matter how many gray hairs, or wrinkles. Our bodies have brought us to where we are now, and I love it when people are comfortable with their age. You are so beautiful, inside and out, and your beauty is a testimony to God's work in you. What a wonderful masterpiece He has created! I just love your encouraging words!

  12. love this way to embrace beauty! i am turning 30 this year and am defiantly feeling it!

  13. This is beautiful, Gina! I am finally seeing aging. I always ask Brady if he feels like our age (28), he always says yes, a lot of times, I say no.. But I really am feeling it. I'm learning to love it as well.

    You're so wonderful and such a great woman to many of us! :)

  14. regardless anything you are so beautiful! :) xx

    Letters To Juliet

  15. I loved this post. So beautiful. Hope you are doing well my friend xoxo

  16. a beautiful woman inside and out, who finds her confidence in her my opinion <3


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