Wear What You Want

Hey guys, I'm writing today to talk about clothes/fashion! It's something I don't talk too much about because my goal in this space is to only write about meaningful stuff. And I love clothes, so for me that is hard to do sometimes, not to talk about it that is. But what I want to share today is from my heart and I am hoping it will make a difference.

Ever since I can remember I have worn used clothing. I guess not as much as when I was a kid growing up, but once I got to High School I started going to thrift stores and experimenting, which was around 1990.
Now it's such a "cool" thing to do, no one thinks twice about it, but back then, oh my! It was not cool let me tell ya.

I've talked a little bit on my blog about being picked on for what I've worn for many years. I have gotten picked on for just about everything from people- telling me my clothes smelled, for not matching, for having wrinkled clothes, for wearing "granny" shoes, for wearing tights, for wearing platform shoes (back in the day), for using vintage purses, for wearing vintage scarves, for wearing old jewelry, for wearing different hats, for not being "in style", for wearing skirts and dresses all the time and the list goes on.

Here's the thing-I am here today to encourage you to wear what you want! Wear what you like! Even if it's used-wear it. Even if it's 4 seasons ago or 4 years ago, wear it! Even if no one likes it, wear it! Even if you don't match, wear it! Even if you have had it since high school, wear it! Even if it's not expensive, wear it! Even if it was free, wear it! Even if someone stares at you, wear it! Even if you are teased, wear it! Even if someone laughs at you, wear it! Even if everyone else or no one else is wearing it, wear it!

I honestly cannot encourage you enough to wear what you want. So many women think that if it's not in style or "on trend" they shouldn't be wearing it, that is so not true. At least in my book. I mean I wear clothes that I have had for 20 years! I mix it up. I wear old, new, borrowed, trendy, vintage, retro, modern. I wear cheap, some expensive, and I mix Gap with something vintage--you name it, I have done it. I am dressing for me, not anyone else! ( I do like to keep in modest).

Fashion and style are not wrapped up in what's cool or not. It's not wrapped up in what this person or that person is wearing. It's not wrapped up in what celebrities are wearing, or what the hottest trend or most popular color is. I never follow that stuff, never! I like colors that are not "in" or hot all the time! I can't make myself like a color. So whatever the color for Fall might be, won't matter to me, if I don't like it, I don't like it.

You are all too beautiful to be bound by what others say you ought to be wearing. And far too beautiful to have limits based on what is "in" or not. We cannot let that define us. We cannot let our clothes or fashion even define us. We cannot be tied up and stressed about how we look or what we'll wear. Just be yourself.

If you want to ask me any questions or are curious about anything I mentioned in this post, ask away!

And thanks for reading!


  1. *like*

    i periodically go through a season of wearing nothing but white tees and blue jeans... and heather grey v neck t shirts. those are my jam. :-]

  2. I used to wear what others were saying was cool.. But I've learned to wear what I love and want. :)


  3. amen. my jean jacket has been my best friend since 6th grade. :) besides "cool" is a matter of opinion anyway.
    i love your heart!!!

  4. hey there darlin' :) this is the first blog post of yours i have ever actually read <3 mostly i just look at your pictures :) LOVE it<3 Lets hear more :)

  5. Love this post and glad you stuck to wearing what you liked even when people made fun. I often got/get poked fun at for wearing "grandma-like" clothes... Whatever, I'm comfortable and don't give those comments much thought- though it's difficult to do! Thanks for sharing!

  6. like many before me, I too loved this post! It's so true! Wear what you like, forget about what's "cool" and what's "not".

  7. Wonderful post. I am not a "fashion-y" person myself, and can't understand all that trend-following stuff. It's almost a sin what some of those things cost and it's sad that many people do applaud and encourage that kind of expense. I wear vintage/second-hand, but mostly it's the same handful of t-shirts; I just shrug off the disdainful glances.

  8. when i lived in LA i got so caught up in labels...leaving was so good for my soul. I do love pretty clothing, but always feel most comfortable in jeans and a tshirt.

  9. Thank you for this Gina! I couldn't agree more with you!! Have a blessed weekend! xo Heather

  10. thank you for sharing your beautiful heart, gina! :)

    and thanks so much for entering my giveaway! So sorry you didn't win. I would however, like to offer you a special coupon code! Just use the code GIVEAWAY30 to get 30% off your order! :)


  11. You are sweetest person ever! I wear a lot of used clothing; pass down and from thrift stores. If it fits then it's good to go! I don't care about name brand or anything as such. I normally where as I feel. I switch up very often as I chance. Some days I'll wear shorts and tank top while other days I'll wear a dress and so forth. Whatever is comfortable at the time suites me! I live in Miami where everything and everyone is labeled. If your not in the your out but I don't live by that at all.

  12. Amen sister!!! Love it!!! Your blog is fabulous. Newest reader!

  13. honestly, what people think of me and what i wear. . . i could careless. however, i find it hilarious that when on weekends, i tend to doll up no matter where i go. . . i don't really get criticize for what i wear, but people get a misunderstanding of who i am. some lady at a sports-outdoor store was passive aggressive towards me b/c i was wearing a pencil skirt n such... basically, saying WTF am i doing here? what? a girl can't go to the outdoor store after dinner w/ her boyfriend? so, it's so easy for people to judge us on what we wear. . . i was a bit hurt, but ignorance... i tell you....

    love this post. i will wear heels to the fair if i want to!

  14. Agreed! People have always thought the way I dress is strange... then it's suddenly in style, but I was still somehow "doing it wrong". Haha.


  15. Well said, Gina! I couldn't agree more. I'm not one who dresses in the latest trends or fashions. I go for comfort and practicality while still looking presentable. I must, however, always wear clothes that MATCH, MATCH, MATCH! I can't stress how important it is to me that my clothes match! :P

  16. I really like this post. I'm going through a lot of my clothes right now post-baby and trying to let my closet "grow up" a little bit.. But I'll always be the mom in skinny jeans because that's just my thing! :)) So inspirational. I love posts like these, you should definitely keep it up!

  17. Yeah!! I change taste a lot with what I wear and it has gotten much easier for me to not worry about what people are going to think.

  18. Yes! Love this!
    I no longer stress about what I'm wearing. Who cares if it's from college. It still fits! I'm wearing it!

  19. well said! after all fashion and style are two different things ;)

  20. I loved reading this post! I could really relate to everything you said! :)


    This was exactly how I got dressed this morning~ I saw a shirt I liked but thought "nah, it's not super cool/cute for work" and put on something else instead, the realized I wasn't trying to impress anyone~ "I'm me! I'm going to wear that shirt!"


  22. Your blog is great!
    Would you like to follow each other? Follow me and I will follow you back:)



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