When All Else Fails

When all else fails, let it go, and pray for guidance and wisdom.

When all else fails, get outside in nature, take some deep breaths of fresh air, and exhale big.

When all else fails, move on and and cling to hope and possibility.

When all else fails, have faith, because without faith we really have nothing.

When all else fails, lean on God's love for you, because His love never fails.

When all else fails, get alone and sing.

When all else fails, just smile.

When all else fails, read some Psalms, they always have a way of lifting the spirit.

When all else fails, love someone. Our hearts were made to love and serve others.


  1. oh, i just love you!
    i hope you are doing well, sweetie.
    have a lovely sunday.
    i am SO glad that Jesus never fails.

  2. this is a beautiful post. the phrase my mom would always say was, "offer it up." i still tell myself that : ] offer it up, the way christ sacrificed. (because everything feels small in comparison to his sacrifice, huh?). and you've got a cute pup at your feet...that doesn't really hurt either. hope you're doing ok. we're always here for you! xo.

  3. So so so good. Needed it this morning <3

  4. So good :) Thank for sharing such simple truths...so wise. Xxx

  5. Thanks Gina! This a good reminder for all of us.

  6. Mmmm good things to remember and do when all else fails!

  7. you were right. i DO love this. so true.

  8. I've had an uptight week/weeks, and very much was glad to read this. :) Thank you.

  9. Such a beautiful post. Thanks Gina. It really breathes the relativity of everything. Especially these days I can relate to that well :) Also loved seeing your San Francisco pictures.

    I'm feeling a lot better, thanks. I took a few days off from my project work, and am now back into my university work again. I feel like the event is already starting to fade into the background and get a more solid place in my head. Probably be back in not too long with new posts again :)

  10. And you were made to inspire :)


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