My Month In Photos

Ok, I really wanted to give this A MONTH IN PHOTOS {January}a whirl with Rebecca from Simple As That.

The best way to do this I think is through a collage. Well I would do it through
Picnik but didn't think it'd be worth paying for,
and Picasa is SO confusing and complicated to me so I googled FREE PHOTO COLLAGE and this company KIZOA came up and it's really easy. But the collage options were pretty lame, and b/c I had a lot of Instagrams, mine didn't turn out quite so good. HA
Needless to say there is a learning curve with everything!
I promise I will try to make February's look better.

I  hope  you  like  these!
My month in photos. . .
 *We had some awesome weather in January for Minnesota, so I got out with Nells a couple of times and walked to enjoy the warmth.
 *My Dad came over for about a week each day to do some long needed projects around the house; I made him lunch and we visited. 
*My daughter turned 17 in January, that is her and I at the family Birthday dinner.
*Nells has been having fun in all sorts of weather; he likes the snow!
*Kevin and I enjoyed the bizarre warm weather too, and cherished the sunshine.
 *Madelynn's birthday party with her friends at our house!
 *More from her Birthday
*Nells waiting by his food bowl 24/7
 *Night time snacks
 *More sunshine
*I went and visited a friend on Bedrest in the Hospital with Twins, and brought her 3 year old little boy a gift certificate to my favorite candy shop!
*Treating myself to a Chocolate Banana Shake from Culvers, my FAVE
*Doors wide open in January
*Nells loves my heating pad
*Nells and I resting (my legs under the cream blanket)
*Madz and Nells
 *We painted our kitchen table yellow
*My devotional time
*A good hair day/rough physical day
*A cup madelynn made for me in ceramics!
 *LaCrosse Wisconsin for a Show Choir competition
*Pizza joint we ate at {the sign and the cool chandelier}
*Me, Madelynn and her boyfriend, Lucas {at their competition}
 *Antique store drooling
*Sunshine and walking in LaCrosse with Kevin
*Yes, I know I have issues with my dog. I take way way way too many pictures of Nells, I so know this.
 *Going to the movies; We Bought A Zoo
*My favorite time of the day: after school with my girl
 *Another Show Choir Competition, Grand Champs Omaha NE
*I know, duplicate of me and Kevin
*Madelynn and one of her BF's in Omaha at Competition
*Madelynn doing homework
*Belt Bracelets we made at her birthday party, that's my wrist
*Popcorn, late night snack, and a duplicate, I know

So don't judge me, K? I'll get better at it, I promise!
Have a great weekend! January was a busy month for me, but February will be pretty slow, so there won't be as many pictures next month.


  1. Love your photos!that belt bracelet is gorgeous. What a great idea for recycling an old belt- have so many belts I could recycle haha.

  2. Fabulous Month in Photos! With a dog that cute, there can never be too many photos!

  3. FANTASTIC!!! (: I LOVE ITT!!!<3

  4. looks like you had a great month! love the photos from the competition! so fun : )

  5. Aw, how sweet! Your puppy is absolutely darling!!! :)

    Thank you so much for all the sweet notes you have left in my garden walk. You are so sweet and such a blessing!!!! Mostly the Jane Austen Garden Party is made up of giveaway posts, but I have some other fun things planned. ;)

    Much love,
    tending her garden @

  6. I absolutely loved this. I might just have to do this next month. It sounds like you had quite a lovely month.


    P.S. Picnik is closing down in April so they are letting everybody use everything on there for free. :))

  7. Hi Gina!

    Thanks for you comment <3

    It is definitely overwhelming sometimes, the beauty that surrounds this place. It fills me with consistent excitement though. It's really a treat to all of the senses, the views, sounds of raw nature, the fresh smells.. I'm so thankful to be here. Sadly there will be a time when we have to go back east when I become pregnant, but until then, I'm going to soak in every bit of this place! <3

    P.S. I think I need to do a post like this! I've been doing a 365 project on my FB, and I think I'll share them on my blog as well. :D

  8. It looks like January was very eventful and fun for you! Did you know that Picnik is actually closing?! You can use their premium membership for FREE till they shut down. :-)

  9. Fantastic idea! I love every one of them:)

  10. even though it has been cloudy, i like it. and though we haven't had that bad of weather this winter, i can't wait for spring!

  11. yay! love this. have a blessed weekend!


  12. love these, gina! and i think you did just fine. captured a bunch of beauty, you did :-) love the stories, the memories pictured here.
    beautiful job, friend.

  13. umm these are fab! So fun and makes me definitely want to jump on the month in photos train! Belt bracelet needs to be made this weekend. I just told myself that.

  14. i loved seeing these! you are so beautiful!! i want all of your yummy snacks... especially that chocolate birthday cake. also, my dog's name is nelly and we call her nells- so i think it's cute we have that in common :) i too take WAY too many photos of my dogs- haha

  15. your little puppy is just too cute. and i just adore all of these images!
    xo TJ

  16. I loved your idea. Your dog is so cute!

  17. A month in photos is a brilliant idea Gina! Love all the pics. I'm looking forward to your February set of photos. How I wish I can join you in this. sadly, I don't have instagram.

  18. Look like an awesome month. I love all the photos.

  19. Beautiful photos! The vintage ones from the instamatic look so great! And it looks like you've had an enriching month. Did you know that you can use Picnic now for free to use collages? It's because they are shutting down in March I think.

  20. AND: thank you so much for the feedback on my blogdesign!

  21. awesome photos gina!
    you were in LaCrosse!?!
    i live SO close to LaCrosse and was just there yesterday!!! :)
    there's a great little coffee shop called the Root Note up there...yummy!

  22. I looks like you had a fabulous start to 2012.

    Have you ever tried a program called Photoscape? It's a super user friendly photo editing program that does way more. It actually has one whole section for creating simple collage layouts. Best part is that it's totally free. You can download it here if you're interested:

    (I swear I'm not affiliated with Photoscape. I just love the program and I recommend it to anyone and everyone.)

  23. oh how I love this so. I love love love your blog- I'm new to you via searching through friends blogs and decided to visit yours. I can't wait to read more and make you a new daily read!

    <3 tia @two birds on a wire

  24. It looks like you had a lovely January. Your photos are filled with sunshine!

  25. Looks like January was a fun and eventful month for you! I can never see too many pictures of Nells. What a cutie pie!

  26. what a great collection of photos Gina! thanks for sharing your month in photos with us. :)


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