Embrace Your Face Friday

If you are new to my blog, EYFF is something I started because of the insecurities we have as women(or men, for my male readers, you know who you are).
There is not one that doesn't struggle with insecurities, whether physical, or more internal. 
You can easily go to my Archives and find other Embrace Your Face Fridays.

Today I'm going to talk {a little bit} about a patch I wear.
It is a medication patch.
It is not a pain medication patch.
It is an Estrogen patch.
{You can catch up  here}

My good and faithful friend of 4 years. 
You should have seen me after my Hysterectomy trying to get this little thing on. 
I seriously went through and ruined like 4 patches before I could get the sucker to stick.
With tears and laughter, I finally got one to stay put. 
{It's ok, you can giggle now, you can picture it, right?}
They are not cheap either. . . 
I can tell you one thing, I don't miss days like this {I had PMDD, if you don't know what that is -google it--it was torment}.

Well, I guess I still have those days.

This little patch of mine, that I have to change on Tuesdays and Fridays, is a life saver. 
It truly helps me feel the real age I am. 
It gives me what my body needs that can't provide for itself anymore.
Sure, it's annoying when I hear throughout the month from new 
doctors or therapists: "You have a piece of tape on your butt!"
But, I'm getting use to it. It's ok.
I am learning to embrace this patch, even after
4 years.
We are all in process, aren't we?

What can you embrace today that maybe wasn't part of your {plan} in life?
Where have you been thrown a curve ball in life and how are you handling it?
How are you embracing it?
Is there a daily medication you have to take to help you?
Does that bother you or embarrass you?
I mean my patch itches after 2 days and I get a rash from it! 
Not fun.
But it's part of my life now, and the more I learn to embrace it
the less I will let it define me, 
and then I can appreciate 
the benefits and positives and 


That is awesome you found something that helps! Thanks so much for sharing!
lindsay said…
you are such an inspiration gina...i can't say it enough times :) i love your embrace your face friday...i hope it brings motivation and inspiration to others like it does myself. hope you have a lovely weekend :) XO

ps your little sidekick is adorable!!
Kelly said…
I have pmdd and worse I also have a bloodclotting disorder and the drs won't let me take hormones.
So glad you are embracing what is. Your Outlook is awesome.
memory said…
those pics of you and your man are adorable. and i love that you are embracing something that most people would shunn. thank you for your veiw on life. it encourages us all.
(and thank you for all of your comments on my blog! i loved them all! i love the fact that you had to buy a seperate dresser for your daughter's t-shirts! :) i have thought about the quilt making idea, i might have to do that with some of mine.)
... said…
I love how you are still joyful amidst a situation that could make you lose your joy! You are strong. Confident. Lovely. Be proud of that!
Funmilayo said…
Those pictures are so cute, and stay strong. Patch and all, you are still wonderfully and beautifully made.
Melanie said…
love your blog :) so happy i found it!
fiddlehead said…
Wonderful...as always insightful.
Lets see, today I am goint to try and embrace this back of mine. The trouble it is giving. Perhaps what it is trying to teach me, that things don't always just go away, there is not quick fix and that I must put myself and my health first. I think that I am going to meditate on that today Gina, thanks for getting me thinking!

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