What God Sees

My best friends son has a 10 year old boy. He has Autism.
I know he is not alone in his struggles and I know she is not alone
in her quiet suffering.

Several years ago I wrote this poem in dedication to him,
and to all other children with disabilities/special needs.

I know to the world I am just a statistic
But what God sees is something unimaginatively beautiful

I know the world thinks I can't see
But to God, I see Him, and that's the best sight of all

I know to the world I'm delayed a few years
but what God sees is a love inside me beyond my years

I know to the world I don't say much
But without words, God hears me

I know to the world I'm a study
But to God, I am one in a million

I know to the world I may not go very far
But God sees me going to a place
beyond what this world can provide

I know the world may ridicule me and tear me down
But God is encouraging me and cheering me on

I know to the world I am less privileged and unfortunate
But to God I am worth far more than rubies,
He has his eye on me more than the sparrow
His word tells me so

I'd prefer to keep the name and face of this little precious boy private for now, so I'll post of pic of me and Nells (he LOVES animals, Nells included!)  We love you!

I am very aware of how Autism diagnosis are becoming more and more "common". This is something to me that is confusing, heartbreaking and difficult--I see what my best friend goes through on a daily basis--but her strength and courage and bravery are inspiring. She is tenacious, and fiercely protective of her son. It's beautiful to see. Amongst her anxiety that can sometimes get the best of her and her concern for her son's well-being....she is not without prayer, hope and grace. She couldn't get through her days without those.

 I know there are many parents who struggle in the same ways. Dealing with special diets, schooling, and helping these to have relationships. 
I admire all parents out there that have the extra work of taking care of a child with special needs. I don't take for granted that my daughter is "typical" (I know that is the correct term).

I have had others in the past want to use my poem for various reason....please feel free to do the same. That's what it's here for.

Linking up:


  1. GINA! this poem is so beautiful! autism is such a unique experience for the person and those around them and the poem you wrote brought in God's perspective. I really really love it. xoxo

  2. Thank you for sharing this! I'm actually a social worker for people with developmental disabilities and a lot of my clients are somewhere on the autism spectrum. More attention, awareness, and education definitely needs to be prominent towards this growing disability.

  3. I came over from Call Me Blessed - excellent post!! I love it!

  4. That is really beautiful. You are an amazing support to your friend!

  5. Thank you for this Gina. My 8 year old nephew has severe autism. It's so misunderstood. This was just beautiful. Thanks for linking up!

  6. I'm so blessed that you all could be so blessed by my poem and post. Thank you for your encouragement!


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