Happy Halloween!

This is how quickly our kids grow up and a reminder to not take one moment for granted.

This is my daughter Madelynn when she was 4 at my Mom's house trick or treating circa 1999!

You know your kids old when they have been the same thing for Halloween twice.

This is my girl circa TODAY!

Time flies, capture it. Cherish it. Have fun with it. 


  1. Thanks for the reminder to cherish the time when they are young!

  2. awww she is really pretty! great costume :-)

  3. I think I had that exact costume! :) What a beautiful post! Love the new blog design girl!

  4. Drew and Kyle ParishOctober 31, 2011 at 11:34 PM

    i was minnie mouse, too! though, she is way cuter. i'm pretty sure mine came with an afro!

  5. Your daughter is such a beauty.
    PS: Love the new blog look!

  6. Haha! This is cute :) Your daughter is so beautiful, just like you!


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