Ok, I'm not sure I'm doing this "right" but I saw this movement on another BLOG, Ashley over here, she's AH-mazing, she's kinda super humble, and has been a bright spot in my weeks. 
I love this initiative she's doing, SPARK--today, I'm posting this one: 
Walk up to someone and hand them a dollar, go on,
do it.

It will be a beautiful thing!


  1. OMG! my heart is so thankful right now! thank you so much Gina!!! this is beautiful, there is no wrong way to spread love :) you're the best. xoxoxoxoxoxoxo tons

  2. I would like the give love button, but I'm still trying to figure this all out! I'm trying!!! I am continually specific about all my moments in life, whether it be with strangers in an elevator, or the elderly, or family and friends. I'm constantly wanting to be a light, and make moments out of opportunities. I think a lot of people act daily based upon how they feel, whether they are tired or crabby--I want to do what is UNCOMFORTABLE, and keep pushing on to love people regardless of how tired I am or how much pain I am in. So when I saw this Spark thing I just fell in love with it!


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