Yes, Karaoke Is Beautiful!

Father, 2 daughters, one son (and a little nephew)
Mc Hammer, You Can't Touch This

The SURPRISED Birthday girl!

Mother and Daughters, Captain and Tennille-Love Will Keep Us Together

Boyfriend/Girlfriend (and yes, my daughter)
what can I say, they are adorable!

After getting some bad news over the last few weeks (a death in the family and a marriage separation), our family (and friends) really needed this night out. Here's the scoop:
BUT, they capture the beauty I wanted to share with you all.
Saturday night we celebrated my sister's 40th Birthday and we had a blast! We had pizza,
drinks, a DJ, AND Karaoke...and let me tell ya it was a HIT--no pun intended.
People came up to sing of all ages. From probably 5-65 (sorry Dad). There were duets, trios, and quartets! There were siblings, boyfriend girlfriend, and mother daughter, father son combos.
And it was BEAUTIFUL.
What a cherished night, music really does bring people of all ages, gender and ethnicities together. It was a night of 4 hours where we all forgot about our problems, relaxed and were able to really have FUN, laugh, sing, mingle, be goofy, and embrace family dynamics.
People came out of their shells and we discovered great voices; my husband sounds like Elivs, and there was another gentleman there that sounded like Frank Sinatra.
We cheered, whoo hooed, and laughed all night.
I'm so thankful that God has given me family and friends and the freedom to laugh and sing.
Ecclesiastes 3:4
A time to weep,
And a time to laugh;
A time to mourn,
And a time to dance.
And a time to laugh;
A time to mourn,
And a time to dance.
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